Westchester-Putnam Approved Soccer Officials Association, Inc. |
President * | Jolis Gjoka | wpasoapresident@gmail.com |
1st Vice President ** | Patrick Murtagh | wpasoavp1@gmail.com |
2nd Vice President * | Sergio Vasile | westmilan1@yahoo.com |
Secretary ** | Eddy Perez | eddygreen10@aol.com |
Treasurer * | Steve Alpert | wpasoatreasurer@gmail.com |
Rules Interpreter ** | Dominick DeRocco | dderocco65@gmail.com |
Assistant Rules Interpreter * | Benjamin Johnson | b_johnson_914@protonmail.com |
* Term expires at the end of odd-numbered years
** Term expires at the end of even-numbered years
The Westchester-Putnam Approved Soccer Officials Association, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation comprised of referees certified to officiate Section I high school games in Westchester and Putnam County. These games are assigned by Southern Westchester Board of Cooperative Educational Services (SW-BOCES) operating out of Rye Brook NY. We do not serve any other school organizations.
Our referees officiate games for both Girls' and Boys' soccer at the varsity, junior varsity and modified (seventh and eighth grade) levels. During the course of the regular season, we use a "two referee system."
The WPASOA, Inc. is incorporated under the laws of the State of New York. We are chartered under the New York State Certified Officials of Soccer, NYSCOS. We provide the course and certification for new referees (see Becoming a Referee) clinics and annual certification testing.
As a chartered member under NYSCOS, we follow the New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA) five-point program. Under the Five Point Program approved officials are those who: