Westchester-Putnam Approved Soccer Officials Association, Inc. |
This is a one-time only process for creating a new account for taking the NFHS exam. NFHS has moved to a new platform on DragonFly.
Follow these steps to create an account (illustrated version).
1. Go to the NFHS Center for Officials Services (https://www.dragonflymax.com/officials)
2. Choose "Log In" under "Officials and Associations"
3. Choose "Sign Up for Free"
4. Enter your first name, last name, email address and password, then click ‘Submit’ to create your free account. Check your email for a verification code, then copy and paste that code into the field on the next screen.
5. After reviewing and accepting the Terms of Service, you will land on the ‘Today’ page where you can click the ‘Get Started’ button to begin your registration as an official.
6. Choose your role as official and then select all the roles that apply to your for the upcoming year. Click ‘Add’ to proceed.
7. Choose "New York" and then "Pick State" to proceed
8. Chose "NYSPHSAA" and then "Join" to proceed
9. Select "2024-25 Soccer" and then "Add Soccer 2024-25" to proceed
10. Choose "Westchester County" for your local Association, the "Add group for Soccer" to proceed.
11. Review your information, "Back" to fix, "Save" to finish.
(Illustrated version of these instructions)
1. Choose "Log In" under "Officials and Associations" at https://www.dragonflymax.com/officials, or here directly: https://max.dragonflyathletics.com/maxweb/max-cover/login?context=COS.
2. If you have previously completed your registration, skip to step 5.
3. Choose "Complete your Registration" under "Registration Status for ______ at NYSPHSAA" and fill out the requested information
4. Choose "Complete your Registration" under "Eligibility Status for ____ at Westchester County (Soccer)"
5. You will find your exam(s) required to be eligible to officiate contests here in the registration list. To begin taking an exam, click the button on the line of the exam you wish to take.
6. You can exit the exam taking session by clicking on the “Save & Finish Later” button at the bottom of your screen. When you have completed all questions, click “Submit & Score” to finish the exam.
7. IMPORTANT NOTE FOR WPASOA MEMBERS: The new platform does not currently send you a certificate. You must take a screenshot of copy/paste your exam registration screen, which shows both your name and your score for completed exams. Keep in mind that the passing score for WPASOA (80% for Groups 2 and 3; 85% for groups 1A, 1 and 2A) may be different than what NFHS shows you.
(Illustrated version of these instructions)
1. Choose "Log In" under "Officials and Associations" at https://www.dragonflymax.com/officials, or here directly: https://max.dragonflyathletics.com/maxweb/max-cover/login?context=COS.
2. On the "Today Screen" choose "Revisit your Registration" under the "Registration Status for ____ at NYSPHSAA" (the top section)
3. Find the 2024 NFHS Soccer Exam and Click "Resume" (or screenshot or copy/paste -- including both your name and score -- if you need a copy of your score for submission).
To see the answers you submitted (illustrated version)
1. Sign on to your Dragonfly / NFHS exam account
2. Choose "Vault" from the left menu
3. Choose your name Documents from the drop-down menu at the top
4. Click the 3 dots (. . .) at the end of the row for the 2024 NFHS Exam Part I, and then "View Document"
5. Click the Printer icon from the view. Depending on your system, this will either print the document directly or download a pdf file you can print
6. Compare your results to the official answers, and note any differences and the supporting rules